Gary Blohm


Lifelong Learner

If I have one identifying characteristic, it is that I am a person hungry for knowledge – very much a lifelong learner but with a twist. I invariably must go beyond searching the web and interact with primary resources, the experts. As a seasoned entrepreneur, connecting and relating with all levels of an organization is driven by my curiosity and discovery personality traits – balanced with recognizing the three drivers for any business – risk aversion, cost savings and revenue recognition. I enjoy, and have frequently been rewarded, assembling a diverse brainstorming group to tackle a particularly difficult business problem. I am never hesitant to approach a SME (subject matter expert) or c-suite executive directly on a particular area where they have shown expertise. I want a personal feel for the information gathered. There are “people watchers”, I think I am a “people listener.” Listening done carefully is significantly more nuanced than digital research, though both are essential. Finally, I feel comfortable coming to my own conclusions. Then, I actively seek objective criticism of my formed ideas and conclusions — honesty is paramount and best format here.

This process gives me confidence especially when adopting an innovative idea – which I’m willing to do when necessary. This also prevents me from over-promising in the sales arena. For the better part of 20 years, I’ve worked with enterprise software — long enough for me to be technically proficient, but you will not find me working with code. Staying marketplace-sensitive is a must because customer and business partner preferences can shift very quickly.

Quick to Pivot from Valid Idea to Project

When I feel strong value in an initiative, I take action and do not suffer procrastination, excuses or nonsense gladly. My approach is very much transparent and authentic in accordance with my values and work ethic. If the homework has been done, there is no reason for games or delay.

A Balanced Lifestyle

Since the very start of my career, I’ve placed high priority on the concerns of the people with whom I am working. Business does blend into my private life but does not bleed into it. I would describe my values as old school, with a strong belief in working hard and smart with no sense of entitlement. Happily married with a son and a daughter, while finding relaxation in exploring the world through travel, unique experiences, hiking, golf and fishing.


Director – SI Partner Alliances

Head of Strategic Partner Alliances

VP of Partner Alliances

Co-Founder & Partner Alliance Officer


